This campaign was developed for my Advertising and Culture class, with the goal of highlighting a group that is often underrepresented in the media.
The “Tough Enough” campaign shines a spotlight on the hardworking Hispanic and Latino agricultural workers in Oregon, who make up 78% of the workforce but represent only 3.3% of farm owners and producers. It emphasizes Carhartt’s respect for these workers and showcases the brand’s legacy of durable, high-quality workwear designed to withstand the toughest conditions.
With a focus on family, tradition and future opportunities, “Tough Enough” also supports the next generation of farmers through scholarship initiatives.
Traditional: In-store stands in wilco, coastal and Fred Meyer

Traditional: Billboard ads throughout rural Oregon, Washington and Idaho

Traditional: Semi-truck ads

non-traditional ad: Future farmerS scholarship fund
By establishing a scholarship fund, Carhartt shows its commitment to supporting these communities and fostering inclusivity within agriculture. In its first year, Carhartt will award 25 future farmers scholarships, each worth $20,000, to high school seniors pursuing a degree in agriculture.
The program will be promoted at rural high schools and community events like the Pendleton Roundup, where we’ll also distribute tree seed packets to symbolize the growth of both education and careers in farming.

Abigail Raike